Why is there nothing more important than feeling good?

At WellnessWithn we have a mantra – “There is nothing more important than that I feel good.” We take this mantra seriously.  All that we do and how we work with our clients is based on it. So why did we adopt this as our mantra? For us, this is more than just an inspirational phrase – it’s a reminder that the strength and health of my body is dependent upon feeling good. It’s also a way of being. When I don’t feel good, it is necessary I do something to shift that. That doesn’t mean those worries, fears, frustrations, irritations, or concerns I feel at times are wrong – just the opposite. It means that they are indications/messages from my body letting me know that the thoughts I am thinking and the beliefs I am holding are putting my body into fight or flight (stress response). The more intense these emotions are, the more stressed and compromised my body is. Soothing and softening these dis-stressing emotions is important in enabling my body to shift back into the growth and repair response. This is the body’s natural  state in which all of my systems are nourished, supported, and expanded – AND it is where healing takes place. You see, when I am in fight or flight, the one and only objective is to escape a real danger to my physical survival – there is no need to feed my cells or repair damaged tissues.

All of your thoughts and beliefs determine the emotions you experience, and science has shown that 95% of them are subconscious. They are like computer programs running in the background of your mind all the time. So being able to calm the stress response and return to the growth and repair response requires you to become aware of those thoughts and beliefs that are behind the dis-stressing emotions and hidden in your subconscious. Using EFT/tapping allows you to do both – calm the emotion and access the subconscious. It also makes it possible to neutralize or release the emotional charges that are negatively impacting you. It’s then that your wonderful, intelligent, unbelievably resourceful body can get back to feeling good and its intended purpose of keeping you healthy and happy.

How could your life change if you too adopted the mantra, “There is nothing more important than that I feel good.”? 

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