Stress Less & Thrive

The Stress Less And Thrive Intensive Program is designed to drastically reduce the effects of stress, allowing you to lead a happier and healthier life.

The mind and body are inseparably entwined – much more so than once realized. One does not function independent of the other. In our Stress Less And Thrive Intensive you will learn how your thoughts, beliefs, and memories are three powerful factors automatically and subconsciously influencing your internal environment, that is, what is going on inside your body. And, that they are three powerful factors contributing in a big way to your on-going stress. The medical field now acknowledges that stress is the underlying cause of nearly every physical and psychological health issue people experience from asthma, anxiety, anger management, chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, phobias, sleep issues, skin problems, etc. You will learn to understand and appreciate why there is nothing more important to your physical and mental health than that you feel good – every day, every hour, every moment! You see, feeling good has everything to do with your thoughts, beliefs, and memories, thus your overall health!


Stress Less And Thrive Intensive:

3-4 Month long program that includes:

  • 8 Personalized Tapping Sessions (in person, by phone, FaceTime or Skype)
  • Stress Less And Thrive Modules
  • PDF of 5 Stress Less And Thrive Modules
  • 5 Module Worksheets with Practice Activities
  • 5 Tapping Meditation Audios
  • PDF of 5 Tapping Meditation Audios
  • 6 Tapping Techniques
  • 8 Accountability Calls
  • Weekly access to Brad and Pamela via phone during scheduled office hours or by e-mail to ask questions.

Begin now to Stress Less & Thrive!

"There is nothing more important than that I feel good."

~ Abraham Hicks