“I’m SO Excited and Want to Share with You Why!”

I am SO excited about the soon-to-be-released documentary film HEAL and want to share with you why!

Two of Brad’s and my mentors are Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton, both of whom have made ground-breaking contributions to the field of health. much of the work we do at WellnessWithin is based on their extensive scientific research. Dr. Bruce Lipton is a leading pioneer in the science of epigenitcs which informs us that we are not victims of the genes that we have inherited – rather it is our beliefs which determine our biology. Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work focusses on the neuroscience behind our thoughts, beliefs and memories, and how what we think, believe and remember creates our reality.

So what is the excitement about? Well both of them, along with other transformational visionaries such as Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Anita Moorjani, and others, are featured in the new documentary HEAL. In this documentary, they provide evidence-based alternatives as to how we can treat disease from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. (Truly wellness within!)  HEAL illuminates how powerful our thoughts and beliefs are with testimonies from these leading experts as well as real-life experiences of people who overcame serious illnesses and diseases by changing their thoughts and beliefs.

Check out Dr. Joe Dispenza’s short article about HEAL along with a 2-minute trailer of compelling highlights!  ( read more )

Have a wonderful day!


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